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No PaX & grSecurity for Linux 2.6.8 releases and up. (Section: Hardened Kernels)
The developers of PaX wouldn’t port the patch to the latest release of the kernel sources (2.6.8.x and up) due to major changes in the code that are painful to solve.
(New) Patch-set for hardened kernels of 2.4 & 2.6 brands. (Section: Hardened Kernels)
There will be many changes against the patch-set of the hardened kernels.We will drop grsecurity and we will use another patches instead (some of them that are part of grsecurity).
Trademarks & Legal issues. (Section: Project Information)
Some of the words used in the Debian Hardened project, are registered trademarks and also, (national) legal restrictions.
Snare patches on hardened kernels. (Section: Hardened Kernels)
The new releases of the hardened kernels will have the Snare patch and all the features that can bring to the users, providing one of the best ways to do audits on the system.

Snare patches on hardened kernels.

New releases will include the Snare patches.

15th September

SNARE (System iNtrusion Analysis and Reporting Environment) is a series of log collection agents that facilitate centralised analysis of audit log info be sure to view info at ICC2007 .

SNARE is divided into three key components:

The Kernel changes

In order to collect event log data, Snare needs to add auditing support into the operating system. You can choose to either install a binary version of the kernel, with Snare already integrated, or you can apply a ’patch’ to your kernel source. Although we try hard to make Snare as easy to install as possible, there are hundreds of different distributions and kernel versions, and it would be an immense task to build Snare for each. If Snare is not available for your distribution , please let us know - we may be able to come up with a way to get things working for you.

The Snare Audit Daemon

The Snare audit daemon acts as an interface between the Linux kernel, and the security administrator. this software allow you to turn on events, filter the output, and potentially push audit log information back to a central location for collection, analysis and archival.

The Snare Audit GUI

The Snare audit GUI provides a graphical user interface to the Snare audit daemon. It allows you to add, remove or modify audit objectives and change reporting options.

Thanks to redphoenix for contacting us about it, now it will be included in the upcoming releases, stay informed.

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